About the Bonus Guided Healing

Your BONUS guided healing session is called the "Cord Cutting & Energy Clearing Meditation." You will receive it as a gift for completing "The Clairs for Course Students Mini Training."

The "Cord Cutting & Energy Clearing Meditation" was recorded LIVE as part of my From Anxiety To Love Sanctuary, which is a 3-6 month group support program where we join together to experience guided healings while staying grounded in the principles of A Course in Miracles

In the Cord Cutting & Energy Clearing Meditation, you will experience:

  • An opening grounding
  • A full body chakra check-in to tune into where your energy is and how it feels
  • Identification of a situation that has hooked you, but that you feel ready to shift and release
  • A cord cutting experience in which you call your power back and lovingly return any energy you've taken in from another person or situation
  • A healing and repair to embody the highest expression of your self

This healing is perfect for you if you're ready for an embodied experience of releasing that which no longer serves you. It will be emailed to you as soon as you click "I have completed this lesson" in each of the 6 modules of the Clairs Mini Training. I hope it supports you!

~ Corinne Zupko xoxo 

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