“I’ve lost the desire to inspire people. I just want to wake up.”
These words came to me several months ago, when I realized that I have ONLY one desire: I want to remember my TRUE identity (not the identity I think I am in this body). I want to wake up. I want the Peace of Love (God).
From an ego-driven standpoint, I’ve lost my desire to inspire people. And it is so funny to see that when the ego gets out of the way how EASY things can go! Being involved in the Miracle Share Virtual Conference was rock-solid evidence for me that when we choose to listen to the Voice of Love, experience flows with grace and ease.
When Craig Villarrubia, Danielle Scruton and I agreed to host this event, everything about it felt inspired by Spirit. We placed Spirit in charge and trusted that we would be guided as to the exact steps we needed to take, even though we felt like we had no idea what we were doing! And we were supported every step of the way.
MiracleShare.org’s Virtual Conference was a huge success, and whether you participated live, are listening to the recordings now, or just joined with us in Spirit, I am grateful! Participants have shared overwhelmingly positive feedback. As one participated stated, we dropped massive “love bombs” on the world!
I am truly changed as a result of the conference. The intention of coming together to allow for the undoing of fear sent the most gentle but profound “shock waves” of Love through my being. I experienced a surge in peace in everyone having come together, and my trust in Spirit has deepened as a result of the conference experience. I even experienced a healing during the conference while I was facilitating John Mark Stroud’s Q&A call (he is an INCREDIBLY powerful teacher). I had a few moments of experiencing what communication is like without a body.
We also had a great deal of comic relief from Bruce Rawles, one of the conference presenters, as he shared jokes in the chat during the conference. His quote, “The ego’s brew: Insani-TEA!” inspired me to make the cartoon above. HA!
As you can imagine, there is a lot of “behind the scenes” work that goes into an event like this, and the entire weekend flowed with an effortlessness that was clearly not of this world. We could not have done this alone.