This website has been long and coming… and I’m SO HAPPY it is finally here!  I “came out of the closet” as A Course in Miracles student only a year ago, even though I’d been studying it since 1997.  Talking about it openly (and publicly!) used to intimidate the heck out of me.  I worried about what others would think, which was a big block my ego put up to keep me from moving forward.  However, as I worked with the Course more and more, I had a growing desire to share what I was learning, particularly with people who, like myself, have struggled with anxiety issues. Peace IS possible in this world (hooray!), though according to the Course, the world must be looked at differently to find that peace.

God’s Word has promised that peace is possible here, and what He promises can hardly be impossible. But it is true that the world must be looked at differently, if His promises are to be accepted. What the world is, is but a fact. You cannot choose what this should be. But you can choose how you would see it. Indeed, you must choose this.

~ Manual for Teachers Part 11

I’m on the inner peace train tracks!  It’s a “journey without distance” and I’m psyched to share the journey with you! 🙂

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