free offerings

The Clairs for Course Students eBook

Ever struggle to receive guidance? Spirit speaks to us through the bodily channels of feeling, knowing, seeing and hearing. This FREE eBook will get you acquainted with your clairsenses as a helpful tool in learning you do not walk alone.

The Clairs for Course Students Mini Training

Love the eBook and ready for a deeper dive into the clairs? This FREE 6-part training will help you tune into your clairsenses (clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and clairsentience) through the lens of A Course in Miracles and energy anatomy.

ACIM Study Group Library

Called a “treasure trove” by participants, the complete library of our ACIM Study Group recordings is available for free. We read the entire text, Manual and various editions over 10 years. You’ll laugh with us, learn with us, and heal with us.

Crash Course in Undoing Anxiety with ACIM

In this FREE 3-part video series, you’ll learn the basics about healing anxiety through the lens of A Course in Miracles.
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