Corinne Zupko, Ed.S.
Counselor, Coach, Professor, Mindfulness Instructor, and full-time student of A Course in Miracles
My past reality:
- Obsessive worry that this new physical symptom must mean I’m dying. I bolt to the doctor.
- A rush of fear that tingles my arms, legs and stomach when I would hear headlines about the latest contagious disease.
- Paralyzing tunnel vision that is unable to focus on anything but fear. Adrenaline is ON, constantly, and my stomach is in a spasmed knot. Spontaneous panic attacks come during the day and at night.
- Waking up with gripping anxiety and tightness in my chest after an insomnia-filled night.
This is how I lived for most of my life. But I don’t anymore. As a matter of fact, this is all becoming a distant memory.
Today it looks like this:
- My heart spends the day resting in peacefulness, knowing that I am completely safe.
- My trust is building through my experience of miracles (defined as “shifts in perception” and “expressions of love”) that all is well, despite the external circumstances.
- The love within feels uncontainable and I spend much of the day in gratitude for the Truth of what I am (and what we all are).
- Kick-ass nourishing and restful sleep shows up nearly every night.
What changed?
The anxiety became so unbearable that it drove me to look for “another way.”
January 19, 1997 was a game changing day for me, because it was the day my mom gave me a copy of the book “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM).
This is when my healing journey truly began as a second-generation ACIM student. It provided me a pathway out of hell.
I share my journey and the healing lessons I learn on this site and in my award-winning and #1 Amazon bestselling book, From Anxiety To Love (published by New World Library).
Why? Because I have no choice but to do so. It is literally bursting out of me. If I stopped sharing I’d feel spiritually constipated.
And that is never fun.
My credentials don’t matter, even though I’ve spent a lot of my life earning them.
My willingness to experience healing in my own mind (thereby helping others) is what matters. But if you want to know more about my professional training, check it out here. I spent a long time in school and in professional trainings.

Join me on an unstoppable journey to rockin’ inner peace.
There is no need to suffer anymore. We’re waking up from the dream of fear together. My gains are yours and yours are mine, because we are one.
I love you.

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