When I was in the thick of debilitating anxiety, I’d tearfully wail, “I’m failing A Course in Miracles!

My loving family would remind me, “You’re not failing A Course in Miracles, you’re DOING A Course in Miracles.”

It can be very tempting to think that if everything is running smoothly that we must be nailing our Course lessons. But this can be a big ego trap. When we are tempted to judge our own spiritual progress, I’m always reminded of this quote:

“…you cannot distinguish between advance and retreat. Some of your greatest advances you have judged as failures, and some of your deepest retreats you have evaluated as success.” (ACIM, T-18.V.1:5-6)

The fact of the matter is that we know nothing. Rather than beat myself up for struggling or praise myself for how great I’m doing (can you hear the ego in both those things?), staying in a space of open receptivity and refraining from judgment is much more helpful for the Holy Spirit. Side note: A humble acknowledgement of your progress and your strengths can be a great way of supporting yourself! This is quite different than judging external circumstances as a means of identifying spiritual progress.Β 

It also always helps me to think of the stages in the Development of Trust in the Manual for Teachers (ACIM, M-4.I-A). The various periods we go through (periods of undoing, sorting out, relinquishment, settling down, unsettling, and achievement) show us that healing is a process!

In this A Course in Miracles study group snippet, I speak about the ego trap that occurs when we base our spiritual progress on how our external lives look. As a reminder, whatever it is you are going through is simply a layer that is coming up for healing. It does NOT mean you’re failing the Course, it means you’re DOING the Course.

Enjoy – and let me know what you think by leaving a comment below!




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