A Course in Miracles is leading us to awaken FROM the dream of this world, not just IN it. The deepest teachings of A Course in Miracles are radical and liberating, and it is because of these deep teachings that my anxiety has fallen away. This episode is a replay of...
I recently was “visited” by the residue of an old fear pattern. A physical symptom showed up and I noticed the mind starting to build a story around it. But having been down this road many times, I was alert to this being a simple ego hook, and I...
On the night of the Trump election, I awoke at 3:30am and learned of the results. I was flooded with fear and thought I might actually have a panic attack for the first time in seven years. Luckily, this didn’t happen because I turned to Spirit within and asked...
On a recent ACIM study group call, we were discussing the idea from the Course that there is no karma, meaning that Spirit is not keeping score on what you do in order to bring on some sort of retribution later. Instead, in this instant, we are choosing to listen to...
As I wrote about in my previous post, I have abundant opportunities to put ACIM into practice in my life. A situation recently arose again where I had a choice: Do I want to be right or happy? Based on my previous experience, why stop forgiving when I’m on a roll? 🙂...
I have recently been learning a great deal about what it really means to live “A Course in Miracles.” I’ve been specifically learning the difference between repeating the Course to myself as a reassurance, versus actually putting the principles into action...
Question: Other people’s egos appear to be knocking on my ego’s door, wanting it to come out and play – GRRR! I have been speaking my truth with two people in my life and their egos have just been ripping me apart. One person is completely ignoring...