In my journey to recovery from life-long anxiety issues, there have been several teachers and stories that have had a profound impact on my healing. One such story is the story of Peace Pilgrim. Peace Pilgrim was a woman who “vowed to remain a wanderer until mankind learned the way of peace.” She walked all over the continent without any money or belongings from 1953-1981. She would fast until given food, walk until given shelter, and had rock-solid trust that everything she needed would be provided for her. And it always was.

She wore a blue tunic with the name, “Peace Pilgrim” printed on the front and “25,000 miles on foot for peace” on the back. She stopped counting miles in the 1960’s after reaching her 25,000 mile goal, but continued to live a life guided by Spirit. She taught that the way of peace is to, “overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love.” Peace Pilgrim was a living demonstration that when you connect with Source, release the small self, and live a life under Divine Guidance, abundance flows forth.

There were even times when she was confronted with a person who meant her harm. One story that comes to mind was when a young girl was frightened by an angry man, and this man was going to hurt the girl. Peace Pilgrim stepped in between them, and simply looked at the man with love, rather than with fear. As a result, his attack impulse disappeared. He turned around and walked away.

You can read the PDF of Peace Pilgrim’s book through HERE.

I’ve watched these videos probably 30 or so times (I actually have them on VHS tapes!), and I used to share them with my wellness counseling classes when we would explore spiritual issues in counseling. The first video is an hour-long documentary. The second is a half-hour interview on a college campus. I hope her message helps you as much as it helped me. Here are two of my favorite Peace Pilgrim videos:

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