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According to A Course in Miracles, accidents or chance encounters are impossible. Synchronicities, to me, are those moments when it is SO obvious that what just happened did not happen “by chance.” When I am tuned into Spirit instead of ego, I notice these synchronicities quite often.
This past summer I had an incredible experience teaching my signature program, “Mindfulness for Miracle Workers” at Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) week-long Summer Camp. Camp is located in a beautiful valley in Rural Retreat, Virginia, surrounded by wilderness. We gathered for our session for a couple of hours each day, ate incredible food, sang songs, and we even hiked for a few hours to the top of “White Rocks” (which is where the above sweaty selfie was taken! The view was AMAZING.).
In this episode you’ll learn about some incredible synchroncities I experienced while I was at camp, and upon returning home, how I lost touch with that feeling of being “in the flow.” Yet the universe sent many signs to call me back and to “choose again.” These same signs and synchronicities are happening to you all the time. You just have to slow down to pay attention.
My takeaways from this episode:
- Know that things are always working in your favor DESPITE APPEARANCES. When circumstances get intense, remember it’s simply your belief in separation (aka ego) trying to convince you that you’re separate.
- Remember your willingness. Your True Self has NOT abandoned you and wants you to wake up to it. To get the ball rolling on your awakening, all you need is willingness. Remember that. Willingness is everything.
- Start paying attention. When you’re tuned into your phone, lost in thought, or totally not present, you might not notice or appreciate the synchronicities when they happen (because they do happen to you, all of the time!). So make it a practice to be here now, in this present moment.
- Slow down. How can you simplify in your life? What can you let go of? Where might you need to say “no?” By slowing down, you’re setting yourself up for noticing synchronicities.
I will be teaching a week-long summer camp session for adults again in August 2018! Visit for details as they become available.
In the midle of the night, where a lot of external stuff freaked me out, I grapped your book, and without thinking of anything, just popped it open.
It opened at page 153: Moving through anxiety on external events.
How cool was that! Much love.
I love it, Winni! There are no accidents. xoxo