As a child, I was diagnosed with severe separation anxiety disorder from my mom. I would experience terror when she left my sight because I was afraid something bad would happen to her. Watching the events of the past week unfold with children being separated from their parents at the US/Mexico border has been really tough.

In a recent A Course in Miracles study group call, which I facilitate every Sunday night, we brought up the current political situation and talked about it from a Course perspective. Have you wondered lately:

  • As a Course student, how do I cope with the anxiety I’ve been feeling with the political climate in the USA?
  • How do I deal with the upset I’ve been feeling with children being separated from their parents at the US/Mexico border?
  • How do I not spiritually bypass what is happening in the world?
  • How can I see the political situation differently when I get so upset about it?

If any of these questions have been on your mind, you may really enjoy this recent study group call where, together, we process the current political situation in the United States. The insights shared by participants during this call were profound. We share how:


  • My day fell apart because I lapsed into judgment BIG TIME
  • Republican/Democrat are two sides of the same ego coin
  • We must bring our darkness to the light (by being honest about what is REALLY in our mind so we can bring it to Spirit)
  • “Me” trying to “rise above” a situation is the spiritual ego (an insight from Meg)
  • Everything happening is asking us to expand our consciousness (an insight from Deedre)
  • The current political situation can show us that we do NOT see Oneness, and so we can take this knowing to Spirit and ask for the miracle instead. (an insight from Deedre)
  • We can feel disloyal to others if we are working to see this situation with love instead of attack or rage (an insight from Susan)
  • We can see those children as Mighty Spirits and side with their magnificence instead of their suffering (an insight from Jana)
  • …and more.

We start out the call with discussing the differences between the editions of A Course in Miracles, we meditate, and then read from the Course, paragraph by paragraph.


You can download and listen to the call here (right click/control click and “save link as”):
ACIM Study Group with Corinne Zupko and friends on Challenging Political Times 6-24-18


I read from the Sparkle edition of A Course in Miracles and provide page references to all of the other editions on the call as well (Original edition, FIP edition, CE edition).

PLEASE NOTE: This is our usual Sunday night Study Group call so we follow our usual reading format. The conversation simply went in the direction of the current political situation.


Additional Resources:


I love you,

Corinne xo


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