I was recently stuck on a perceived problem that I could not let go of.

My mind would think about potential solutions from every angle, each solution bringing positives and negatives. I knew I needed to let this problem go. I’d find my willingness to see the problem differently, I’d hand the problem over to my Inner Teacher, and I’d even touch upon my UNwillingness to see it differently, too (for an explanation on the importance of acknowledging our UNwillingness to heal, check out this blog post).

Yet I picked it back up again and started to mull over it. I just couldn’t let it go.

I know I’m not alone. We’ve all done this at times. And it is simply another ego ploy to keep you from recognizing that all “problems” are already solved.

Then Spirit spoke through my mom:

“Try dropping beneath your problem,” she said.

It intellectually sounds really nice to hear ACIM-inspired teachings like “your problems have already been healed” and “the answer is there, waiting for us to receive it.” Well, great! A lot of good that does me now, when I think I want an answer, and yet it is just not coming.

If this sounds like you, practice dropping beneath your problem. This again, is where we have to ACTIVELY participate in the undoing of this dream. Mulling over a problem keeps the ego strong. The ego rejoices when you feel stuck, because the focus of your mind is fixated on something other than Love.

Dropping beneath your problem is how we participate in the return to Love. Beneath your perceived problem is a quiet, still space in you, which remains unchanged despite whatever seems to confront you. By connecting with this part of our mind, we step away from the chaos of the ego and step towards our willingness to remember Love. And a funny thing happens…

Peace returns.

When I dropped beneath my “problem,” it didn’t seem to change right away, but I was different inside. I was calm again, and the obsessive thinking stopped. I could breathe. And as I dropped beneath my “problem,” I gained a renewed sense of trust that things will work themselves out. I don’t have to participate in the chaos. I can quietly witness it all unfolding.

To drop beneath your problem, follow these four simple steps:

  1. Notice that you’re obsessing over something. Visualize that problem however you may see it. For me, I had a vision that my “problem” was chaotic energy wound tightly with stress.
  2. Imagine dropping beneath that chaotic energy with Love by your side. Stay connected to your willingness to see the “problem” differently.
  3. Notice what it feels like to be separate from your problem. Be the quiet observer. Hang out here. It feels good.
  4. Trust that things will shift when they are ready to shift, or that your next step to take will be made clear.

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