In the Miracle Share ACIM Community group on Facebook, a question recently arose about how to work with early morning anxiety. I used to wake up with terrible early morning anxiety that wasn’t attached to anything. My chest felt tight, my body felt like a solid a...
When I first read “The Hallway” by Coreen Walson, it created an experience within me. With a feeling of resonance and recognition, this story helped me take the next step my development of trust and in my ever deepening journey of remembering the Truth of...
I have SO MUCH FUN on our Sunday night A Course in Miracles study group calls. This call in particular was loaded with synchronicity. On multiple occasions, participants brought up lessons and ideas that had been present for me throughout the week. It goes to show...
Whatever situation you find yourself in is always an opportunity for healing the belief that we are separate from Love. To do this, we must look at the situation WITH Spirit. In my own experience, I’ve found that this process of healing is accelerated by looking...
Whatever we do with ego will be used on behalf of upholding the belief that we’re separate from Source. Whatever we do with Spirit will be used on behalf of our awakening. The thing is, if we’re not consciously aware of Spirit while we’re acting, who...
This is one of the ideas from A Course in Miracles that has been enormously helpful to me in overcoming fear of flying. Although the words are comforting, I’ve experienced the truth of this teaching in momentary glimpses. And through these experiences, my trust...
I’m thrilled to share my talk with you from the Community Miracles Center conference on A Course in Miracles in Las Vegas! My dear friend and colleague, Craig Villarrubia, and I co-facilitated the session. The title of our talk was Change Your Mind Through...
A Course in Miracles (ACIM) meets you where you are at. Getting caught in thinking that you should be somewhere OTHER than where you are right now is a sticky ego trap. Instead, allowing yourself to be where you are creates an opportunity to be present to whatever is...
I recently had a powerful experience in my sleep demonstrating this teaching. In my sleeping dream I was experiencing fear. It felt difficult to look away from the fear because it was so compelling and strong. Yet in this dream, I remembered that it is my task to turn...
Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be scary. For instance, I used to have knee-knocking fears of public speaking. I remember one of my first presentations during my freshman year of college where I was so nervous that I was gulping for air, trembling, and...
Do you ever struggle with trying to understand the concepts in A Course in Miracles? Maybe you read something and get hooked with feeling you need to figure it out to progress with your study. In this vlog, I remind us that we’re like two-dimensional worms when...
It was an absolute JOY to be a guest on Craig Villarrubia’s Awakening with A Course in Miracles Google Hangout series. In this hour-long interview, we cover a variety of anxiety-busting ACIM-related thoughts and ideas. Good stuff. Here is a sample of what you...