Episode 32: Falling apart may be the way through

Episode 32: Falling apart may be the way through

Typically we try to hold it together. But sometimes we have to let it all fall apart for something new to emerge. During my tumultuous year of 2021, I came to terms with strong guidance that I was being asked to let A Course in Miracles go. Being that the Course is my...
Episode 32: Falling apart may be the way through

Episode 30: A New Beginning

Change and transformation can be a bumpy yet amazing ride. I’ve recently been overloaded with new learning, new language, new experiences, new divine relationships, and a new way of being. While it has taken time for these new lessons to settle into my body and...
My Journey with the Black Madonna, our Divine Mother

My Journey with the Black Madonna, our Divine Mother

When my great grandparents came over to the United States of America, they became “American.” Much of my maternal Polish and paternal Italian cultures were forgotten. As a child, my mom was forbidden from learning Polish. The only things that survived from...
All that Holy Spirit does FOR us…

All that Holy Spirit does FOR us…

For many years in my study of A Course in Miracles, I ignored the tiny but very important three-letter word, “for.” This little word makes a big difference when we look at what the Holy Spirit can do for us. In preparing for my From Anxiety To Love...

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