Undoing the fear of flying

Undoing the fear of flying

This is one of the ideas from A Course in Miracles that has been enormously helpful to me in overcoming fear of flying. Although the words are comforting, I’ve experienced the truth of this teaching in momentary glimpses. And through these experiences, my trust...

Undoing Anxiety with A Course in Miracles

It was an absolute JOY to be a guest on Craig Villarrubia’s Awakening with A Course in Miracles Google Hangout series. In this hour-long interview, we cover a variety of anxiety-busting ACIM-related thoughts and ideas. Good stuff. Here is a sample of what you...
Peace Pilgrim: 25,000 miles on foot for peace

Peace Pilgrim: 25,000 miles on foot for peace

In my journey to recovery from life-long anxiety issues, there have been several teachers and stories that have had a profound impact on my healing. One such story is the story of Peace Pilgrim. Peace Pilgrim was a woman who “vowed to remain a wanderer until...

The Link Between Anxiety and Honesty

At first glance, it might seem like honesty has nothing to do with anxiety. But if we look a bit deeper, being hard core honest is how we reclaim the Self we never lost. According to A Course in Miracles, honesty means consistency. Internal consistency calls forth...
Healing Hidden Beliefs

Healing Hidden Beliefs

“What is healing but the removal of all that stands in the way of knowledge?” – A Course in Miracles Healing happens as we bring our fearful perceptions and beliefs to our Inner Teacher and allow them to be exchanged for the experience of Love that...

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