Episode 10: Synchronicities and A Course in Miracles

Episode 10: Synchronicities and A Course in Miracles

  Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Android Devices | YouTube | RSS   According to A Course in Miracles, accidents or chance encounters are impossible. Synchronicities, to me, are those moments when it is SO obvious that what just...
Healing Physical Symptoms By Undoing Guilt

Healing Physical Symptoms By Undoing Guilt

I recently was “visited” by the residue of an old fear pattern. A physical symptom showed up and I noticed the mind starting to build a story around it. But having been down this road many times, I was alert to this being a simple ego hook, and I...
How to choose Love

How to choose Love

Have you ever tried to “choose love” and felt that doing so was extremely difficult? This may be a sign that you are trying to choose love from within the ego thought system. For YEARS I would ignore the many prompts in A Course in Miracles that ask us to...
There is no such thing as negative energy

There is no such thing as negative energy

On a recent Course in Miracles Study Group call, one of the participants shared an incredible insight: there is no such thing as negative energy. At first this might sound surprising, as I remember I used to feel very sensitive to other people’s negative energy...
How I healed early morning anxiety

How I healed early morning anxiety

In the Miracle Share ACIM Community group on Facebook, a question recently arose about how to work with early morning anxiety. I used to wake up with terrible early morning anxiety that wasn’t attached to anything. My chest felt tight, my body felt like a solid a...

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